Le DJ Suédois Avicii, mondialement connu pour ses hits internationaux tels que Wake Me Up, a été retrouvé décédé dans la capitale du sultanat d’Oman, Masate. Sa mort endeuille bien au-delà du monde de l’électro : c’est l’industrie musicale toute entière qui rend hommage au DJ.
Le milieu du rap ne fait pas exception. A-Trak, DJ de Kanye West entre 2004 et 2008, s’est fendu de deux tweets poignants : le premier rend un hommage à l’artiste parti trop tôt alors que le second pointe du doigt la dépression qui peut se cacher derrière les platines.
Ugh devastating news about Avicii, hard to even believe.. 😢 sending all my love to his family, friends and community of fans.. electronic music is a community. We lost one of it's brightest stars. He made music that was universally loved. Always seemed so kind. Gone way too soon
— Kibbutzy Collins (@atrak) April 20, 2018
People think DJs just party party have fun woo and live the good life and make anthems on their laptop and yay it's another party. A lot of DJs suffer from heavy anxiety and try to cope in ways that lead to addiction. It's really sad.
— Kibbutzy Collins (@atrak) April 20, 2018
D’autres artistes issus du milieu du rap comme Lupe Fiasco ou Flying Lotus ont exprimé leurs condoléances et leur stupéfaction quant à la mort prématurée d’Avicii.
RIP Avicii
Never let this game change you. Just because you make music doesn’t automatically mean you all of a sudden need to become famous or a celebrity, or a fashion designer, or a car collector, or a pimp or a slut, or the center of attention..always embrace who you are 🙏🏾 pic.twitter.com/nfHN9RNn8V
— TAPE TAPE & HOUSE EP NOW PLAYING (@LupeFiasco) April 20, 2018
Very sad and scary. What a crazy life. RIP. https://t.co/LSBkIEJ97m
— FLYLO (@flyinglotus) April 20, 2018